Enterprise for Government Excellence

Get Your County’s Competitive EDGE Today

NACo EDGE: People, Purchasing & Performance Solutions

NACo EDGE delivers value-added, cost-cutting solutions to counties by evaluating their needs and harnessing the collective purchasing power of 3,069 counties with a dedicated workforce of 3.6 million employees.


Benefits, pharmacy management, retirement solutions and training


Competitively bid best-in-class goods and services


Maximizing public funds, liquidity strategy & streamlined budgeting

NACo EDGE: Enterprise for Government Excellence

Get Your EDGE Today

Powered by NACo
Built for Counties

As the #1 advocate for county governments, your employees & your taxpayers, the public sector professionals of NACo EDGE are here to help you do more with your resources.

Competitive EDGE

on issues facing county governments

Strengthening Communities

with unparalleled resources

Engaging employees

for a more productive workforce

Delivering Results

with sustained value for taxpayers

Our Value-added, cost-cutting solutions

EDGE programs and resources can be applied in any county across the county.


NACo Retirement Solutions

NACo’s Deferred Compensation Program, administered by Nationwide for over 40 years, is focused on retirement outcomes and continues to develop needed solutions such as the Protected Income suite with national oversight by county officials.

$30+ Billion

saved by county employees
for their retirement

Over 1.6 Million

county employeess served

NACo Retirement

Public Promise Insurance

Public Promise Insurance provides a platform of voluntary employee benefit solutions, along with a Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) coalition, built exclusively for public sector employees and their families. These benefits help counties recruit and retain top talent, while managing the skyrocketing cost of prescription drug benefits.

80% Of Employees

would choose additional
benefits over a pay raise

15%-25% Reduction

in average savings on
prescription drug costs

NACo PPI Key Art

Public Promise Procurement

Public Promise Procurement provides counties with cost-effective and efficient purchasing contract vehicles. The unique Lead Public Agency (LPA) and peer-vetted model provides for a fully transparent and competitive process to identify best-in-class suppliers.


public agencies experience streamlined purchasing with Lead Public Agency model

$660 Billion

aggregate buying power of counties

NACo PPP Key Art

NACo High Performance
Leadership Academy

The NACo High Performance Leadership Academy is a virtual 12-week program with proven outcomes equipping frontline county professionals with practical leadership skills. The NACo HPLA training, led by our partners at the Professional Development Academy, prepares county leaders for success.


county leaders trained in advanced leadership


positive participant Net Promotor Score


Mental Health First Aid At Work

Mental Health First Aid trains the county workforce to aid in early recognition of mental health challenges. With proven outcomes, it creates a culture of care and mitigates mental health illness impacts on the work environment.

$1 Trillion

in productivity-loss potentially mitigated

Nearly 1 In 3

people live with mental health illness


cashVest by three+one

cashVest® by three+one® is a fintech platform that provides counties a new, unparalleled level of liquidity strategy and data analysis for counties focused on optimizing the value and returns on our cash.

$2.4 Billion

new interest income & savings for counties

73% More Cash

put to work generating additional income

cashvest by three+one


ClearGov® is the leading provider of budget cycle management software, focused on helping local governments streamline the annual budgeting process. Better planning and communication through ClearGov empowers county departments and budget officials to make informed fiscal decisions with transparency.

$30 Billion

nnual budget dollars managed more efficiently

25 Million

taxpayers have better financial transparency

ClearGov Budget-Book
Upcoming EDGE Events

Check out our calendar for upcoming events and webinars

NACo EDGE Lounge At Annual Conference

Stop by the EDGE Lounge near 2nd Floor REGISTRATION and discover solutions to your county's needs

July 13, 2024

Second-Chance Hiring

Presented by NACo's
HR Workforce Network
10:15 – 11:45 am
116-117, First Floor, Annual Convention

July 14, 2024

Who Wants to be
a Millionaire?

10:30 – 11:45 am
118-119, First Floor, Annual Convention

Contact Us Today

Talk with one of our county government experts Now

Interested in our solutions for your county? Get your competitive EDGE today.